The company that manages this web page is SC TERMOFARC TECHNOLOGIES SRL, registered at the Romanian Trade Register with number J08 / 1047/2014, having CUI RO33399146 hereinafter referred to as “company”.

Hereinafter referred to as “user”, this is any natural or legal person who uses this website for the purpose of informing himself or herself or of purchasing products marketed through it. The user can use this web page only if he agrees and respects the terms and conditions. The browsing and use of this web page by the user represents his agreement without limitations or reservations of the present terms and conditions.

This text represents the knowledge and obligation of the company to comply with the legislation in Europe and Romania in force.

By mastering the provisions mentioned in the terms and conditions, the user acknowledges and assumes the consequences resulting from non-compliance with the provisions mentioned. For any questions regarding the terms and conditions, the company is at your disposal during the work schedule mentioned in the product pages.

For notifications, use the contact details on this web page at the contact page.

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